Mid Morning Snack


I proceeded cautiously. Previous experiences had made me wary of such open invitations, especially so close to the town where I had been should I say, abducted?

“Hurry up in here and close the door! We have freshly baked bread and it will not take long ’til it is cold.”

I took several steps forward, entered the Winstrate abode and closed the door behind me.

“Come closer, we don’t bite.” Said the old woman without even glancing towards me.


There was a large table at the center of the kitchen and I could see little else. The smell of freshly baked goods, fruit and other delicacies was almost overwhelming.

It was the father who spoke to me first, looking me in the eyes.

“That was quite the achievement. You’re the first Trainer I’ve seen who deploys pokémon so masterfully.”


He took a bite off a small piece of toast.

“But, I should tell you– my son is stronger than you.”

Another bite was taken.

“I’m not gloating, just stating a fact. He even took the pokémon league challenge, I’ll have you know. Took it and won! Keep going like this and you will definitely have to face him eventually.”


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