Ashes not included

“Here!” He handed over the small bag which was not exactly a bag, but a pouch with a mechanism attached to it. “Just take that Soot sack and walk through piles of ash, huff-puff! And it will fill up with the volcanic ash, huff-puff.” I must’ve looked puzzled to him. “Once you think you’ve collected…

The boss speaks

His pokénav stowed away, the big guy now looked at me. “Well, well, look at what came in with the ash… Huf-puf!” There was also a long tube close to him, a more elaborate one, more complex if there was such a thing. “This area is covered in volcanic ash, it never ends, huff-puff! Me,…

Workshop assistant

I made my way to the small shack and knocked once on the frail wooden door. No answer. The door was unlocked and easily pushed back. I announced myself and entered slowly. A small green room was before me, not much to it except two burning pots by the other end and cupboards filled with…

Potential in ashes

I left the decaying body behind and headed towards the now visible, small hut nearby. Upon closer inspection, there was a small plaque next to it: ‘Glass workshop – Turning volcanic ash into glass items.’ So that’s what those twins were talking about. “Quite the thing isn’t it?” An old man came up behind me….

Winged blades

The calm gray dust around me was stirred into a furious cloud, enveloping and blinding me fully for a couple of seconds. By the time my surroundings calmed down I saw a huge silver figure, flapping its wings at me, a wild skarmory. Trapinch scurried along the ground and hit it with full force, leaving…

Sweep and smash

My bike made its way out of the tall grass and down a small ledge before my path was interrupted by a wild deerling. Trapinch jumped out of her pokéball and rammed into the enemy as fast as she could, pinning it down on the ground. The deerling tried to fight back, and was successful…

Treasure in ash

One more addition to my ever increasing roster and more ash to shake down from all the tall grass I was traversing. Lucky for me, not all had been covered by ash and some of the lost items were very easy to see. I scanned the item I came upon and tucked it in my…

Dear Deerling

The ash around me stirred with each step taken and I stood at the ready, Trapinch by my side. As expected, another wild pokémon crossed my path, a four-legged white one with a flower on its head and a soft, furry, green patch on its back. I reached for a ball and threw it before…

Busy Buizel

I tore myself away from the twins and had not taken two steps through the tall grass before I was approached by a wild buizel. It was very agitated, as if looking for something and jumped at me. I would’ve fallen down if not for the quick intervention of my Trapinch. She blocked the wild…

Gathering goal

Both twins began scooping up ashes and gathering them in a small container. “We have a lot of ashes! I think enough for a White Flute!” “White Flute yes! How much ash do we have?” “We have to check!” They looked into the container expectantly. “How much ash do we have? Enough for a White…


My pokénav sounded off, indicating an increase in experience for Trapinch. It dawned on me that it had gotten very quiet, so much that I could almost hear the ashes falling. The twins had stopped crying and were looking at me with stern expressions. “We couldn’t win… it’s boring, so I’m getting some more ashes.”…

One, two

Spinda was a bit distracting with its uncertain movements and it caught me a bit off guard when I saw Riolu suffer half his health in damage. Trapinch rushed to avenge her ally and snapped her jaw at the dancing pokémon, leaving it well into the yellow. The second bite missed by a nail as…